ArtJam Virtual Painting Sessions

Launch of Dedham Art Society ArtJam - June 2020

Due to Covid-19, our regular fortnightly face-to-face art programme were suspended, these meetings are greatly missed!

However, our online (virtual) painting sessions introduced in our September newsletter are in full swing and are  proving to be very successful.

The committee  have set up online painting sessions for members to use. This allows the Society to meet online and chat as well as paint for 2 hours. This is completely private and hidden from the public.

The ArtJam allows members, who cannot attend face-to-face meetings, and perhaps those members who wish to meet more often, an opportunity to practice their love of art, chat and relax. 

There are two weekly days for virtual painting online. Tuesday’s via Facebook and Thursday’s via Zoom, both 2-4pm. Drop in when you can.

If you have lost your painting momentum during the lockdown etc or your tired of painting alone do consider to join us.

If you wish to join our online group, please email

Here is selection of work produced  by members during our first ArtJam sessions. We will continue to post on this blog members work produced during the ArtJams.


ArtJam Virtual Painting session


Clothed Model - Marilyn Welham