Secret Garden

Mary Mudd, led a group of people to a Secret Garden in Essex.

At 10.30am the prospect of sketching in a secret garden in Essex had intrigued twelve members of DAS and they met for coffee in a local cafe. At 11.00 am, they crossed the road to the car park and waited for further instructions. A short walk away a garage door at the back of the car park was opened and they filed into the garage and emerged into a tiny, beautifully manicured, courtyard garden.

While admiring this courtyard a small gate was discovered which led surprisingly into an expansive very formal garden with gravel parterre, elegant geranium urns and gazebos. A further exploration revealed another gate leading into a tree -shaded mature garden with stumps of old mulberry trees. It was a huge cedar tree and a hundred year old pear tree which got the members busily sketching and painting. There was time later for several of us to enjoy a short game of BOULES on a gravel area. The garden's owner gave us all the history of this hidden gem of a garden and at 1.00 she joined us for lunch.

These two delightful watercolours were done by Jan Corder one of our many talented artists.

Next Session. Wednesday 7th August 2019. More details with be received nearer the time. This will be an Open Air Session at Woodbridge, led by Jill Wilson.


Painting together at the Assembly Rooms


Public Preview